Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What's Ministry Really Like

This is one for the geniuses in the world who wonder about what ministry is like. Ministry is tough. I'm a youth pastor and its tough and frustrating and stressful. It keeps me up late at night thinking and pondering on sermon series, meetings, people I need to meet with or call. I have meetings I need to have growing out my whazo and its almost impossible to have them when everyone will be there. Ministry is hard, its no wonder so many ministers have short or no hair (THEY PULL IT ALL OUT!!).

However I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. I love what God has called me to, I love where God has called me. There is nothing like sitting in the back of a sanctuary and watch students lead. Its amazing when I see students praying for one another, coming up to me and letting me know they have a word from God they would like to share during service. It makes every headache, sleepless night, meeting worth it!

I love ministry because it is tough. This way I have to depend on God for my guidance and direction. If it were easy, I would be more likely to do my own thing. I need the Word of God in my life so I can speak truth into myself and others. I need time with God in prayer so I can hear His voice so I can do/be what He has called me to do/be. I need Him, because without Him I'm steering a carriage with no horses. This is what ministry is really like, hard and painful but with God leading you its worth it. I'm reminded of Christ, He had to suffer and die to accomplish God's will.

Are we willing to suffer in ministry for God's will to be done?

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