Tuesday, July 14, 2009

People: Can't Live With Them, Can't Lead Without Them

We need people. Without them nothing gets done and the vision dies. The only way to accomplish your God-given vision is to empower the people God has placed around you to get up and move forward.

It's hard to live with people; they complain when it goes wrong and when it goes right, it's not good enough. Then again, there is no way to lead without them. As leaders we must realize we can not lead Alone.

Let's forget the negative conotations of leadership and focus on casting our God-given vision in such a way that people become a springboard of victory and not an anchor of complacency. We need people and the moment we get them in on how God can use them, the quicker the vision will be complete and they will feel apart of what God is doing. After all isn't it about be unified in Christ anyways?

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