Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What's Love Got To Do With It? EVERYTHING!

When we read 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 we realize that we can do all the "Christian" things we want, but if we do not love or have love is worthless. This past weekend I spent time with Pastor Tim Lamb at Empire Pentecostal Holiness Church. It was a great time of learning and fellowship. There was one concept that God revealed to me in this weekend. Something that seems simple, but is backbreaking to develop. That's having a congregation that truly loves their leader and a leader who truly loves the people.

Pastor Tim and the Church he pastors has this. This was not an overnight process, however, Tim has pastored this church for 16 years this coming August. To see the way the congregation speaks about their pastor and vice versa moved and encouraged me. This type of love is the type that will transform lives. Many churches operate with either the pastor or congregation complaining about each other. Imagine what your community could look like if we truly loved on another. Let this be more important than having big numbers and great programs. Let's love the people that God has allowed us to lead, and let's transform our communities for Jesus Christ.

John 13:53, "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Hope I Don't Smell Like Poo

No one listens to someone who is full of crap. I was joking to my wife the other day about how certain people have odors that are not very inviting. When we are around these people we don't hear what they have to say because all we hear is, "I need deodorant, please help me." They could be telling us a truth that will radically transform our lives, but we can't focus on their words because of their stench.

Many Christians today are in this group. We say the right things and look good but smell like poo. What am I talking about, integrity; being who you say you are and doing what you'll say you'll do (infront of others & behind the scenes). Sin that is committed in the darkness, God will bring it to light. Don't be another statistic and reason people stay away from knowing Christ. I agree with some nonbelievers saying that it would be hard being a Christian when so many Christians live opposite of what they believe. My mentality is to prove those people wrong. To show them that I am a Man of God and my life, words, choices, and thoughts prove it. I don't want to smell like poo.

It gets messy, when everyone knows what you've done/doing. You can have the most powerful Word from God ever, but if your personal life smells like poo you have a big problem. We must do our best to remain clean and pure in our lives so we can be able to proclaim the Gospel and not be ashamed. Understand that we are all human and sin, but this is directed at those who are in habitual sin and refuse to be free. I'm here to say that you will not be 100% effective in fulfilling your God-given purpose until you are clean.

I'm not getting at covering up the stench with cologne like many do. They just make excuses or blame others for their mistakes. I'm talking about owning your stench and taking a shower. Get before God and seek after Him and ask for forgiveness and let Him clean you up, and remove the stench. Get clean, smell good. Gather people around you that will tell you if you start to stink. People who will keep you on track of being the man/woman of God you've been created to be.

Throughout the rest of the day, ask yourself:


Monday, March 8, 2010

Don't Be a 'Whiskey Mike'

Last Thursday a Pastor told a story about how he at times will run out of gas in his vehicle. He told about one time he ran out of gas and a police officer picked him up. The officer spoke over the radio that he had a "whiskey mike", someone who doesn't watch their gas needle, runs out, and needs assistance. These are the one's who are so focused on where they are going they forget to make sure they have what it takes to make the trip. Or they have this "I can do it later" mentality where they will have time later to get gas.

This is true for leaders as well. As leaders we need gas to go where God is calling us and to do what we are called to do. However, there are many leaders who are trying to lead without gas. We all need time to refill our tanks. We need time that's just about us and not those that we lead. Some call these times "Sabbath days" or "a little R&R", I call it common sense. If a machine can't run without refueling, why do we think we are so different. Don't be a whiskey mike, take time and recharge.

Many leaders run out of gas because they are to focused on the vision of where they are going. They accomplish and show "to-do" lists whose boss, they are constantly pursuing the call of God on their life but they feel run down and beat up. Remember that to get to where you are going as a leader you will need to stop every once in a while and refuel. Take time and relax. Cut off the phone. The computer. The e-mails. Just breathe. Without days like this you will run out of gas and end up walking down the road with a gas can beating yourself up for not paying attention to the gas needle. Some do this throughout the week, and that's good but set one day a week aside to refuel and get back at it.

Other leaders pay attention to the gas needle, but believe that they can do it later. They say, "I'm tired and need a break, but I can do it later. Maybe next week when I don't have as much to do?" They know the importance of rest, but they believe that once they have accomplished everything that they'll have time to rest. News Flash: YOU'RE NEVER DONE!!! Our task lists never get shorter, there are always more e-mails to write, more phone calls to make, more meetings to have. The time to take a break and refuel is now. Schedule it into your week, take a day a week and recharge. Forget your responsibilities and refuel.

If we are leaders do not take time to refuel we will not only put ourselves to walking, but also those we lead. The car you're driving has passengers, your followers. If you are out of gas and have to walk, where do they go, what will they do. You are no good as a leader if you can't lead them. The only way to not let yourself become a 'Whiskey Mike'. Don't run out of gas, consistently refuel. Come to think of it, my Jeep is running low on gas right now...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Put Ketchup on my Eggs....and Like It!!

Its true, I put ketchup on my eggs. However, I'm very specific about it. Only if they are scrambled and only at a restaurant, not at home. I'm picky and if you know me you know that when it comes to food I'm extremely picky. I only like it certain things and I'm not big on trying new food items because I think they will make my tongue curl up.

The same is true in churches today. Many churches only like ministry one way, because that's the only way they've done it. Sure its been successful but is it effective? I don't want to known as the one who doesn't try different tactics to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to be known as one who tried different things, programs, processes. Even though some will fail, I don't want to be picky in ministry. I want to preach the Gospel effectively in different ways.

On the flip side, if all you do is try different programs or processes to preach the Gospel people are likely to view you as an ADD Ministry. Because they see no consistency in your ministry, it's just you doing different stuff that never sticks. You attempt everything but gain nothing. It's not about doing the newest, hottest thing it's about knowing your people and community and reaching them for Jesus Christ to the best of your ability. Determine how the people in your community acts/lives, this should determine what you do. If you live in the country where everyone hunts and listens to Kenny Chesney it wouldn't be smart to have a hip-hop group come and minister, not many will be touched if that's not your community. If you know your people you will have a better chance of reaching them for Jesus Christ.

I love seeing stronger financed (rich) ministries minister, because they have a no holds bar mentality. At any cost they want to proclaim the Gospel. I've realized that I too can have this mentality. No I didn't win the lottery and our youth ministry doesn't even have a budget, but should that stop us? Should we wait until we have the resources to minister? NO!!! Let's change the destiny of those who live in our community for Jesus Christ. It will look different everywhere, but the same thing will occur no matter what you do or how much you have. The outcome will be men and women coming to know Jesus Christ and they will never be the same.

Don't be picky with how you do ministry like I am with food. Try new things, improve what you do. Don't try everything, just what suits you. Let's be and do what Christ has called and created us for.

As a side note this week I'm going to live this out by applying new items to Reaction Student Ministries and by trying new food. I don't know what yet, but I just hope I like it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm Inadequate and I Like It!

Over the last few weeks I've come to the realization that I'm inadequate to be a leader. I've read the books, listened to leaders, and led in different areas in life. Even after a little experience and knowledge I'm not adequate to call myself a leader. However, I'm still in leadership, why? If I feel inadequate why am I still a leader?

I'm able to lead not because of my own ability but because where I am is where Christ has directed me to be. God uses inadequate people to accomplish His will a lot of the time. A quote I where I have no idea who said, "He calls the unqualified and qualifies the called." The 12 men that were Christ's key disciples were not religious leaders or the 'high and mighty' they were normal people of their day that Christ developed. I'm not adequate but Christ still uses me.

No matter your experience is in life God can use you to accomplish His will. My past is full of mistakes (drugs, rebellion, deception, distrust, etc.) and yet God still wants to use me in various roles. God wants to use you now, as you are, to accomplish His purpose. He doesn't want to wait so you can "clean up" He wants you just as you are, because that's the way He made you.

I'm inadequate and I love it because then God gets all the glory and I get a nice hand clap.