Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Cost of Greatness

Being a youth pastor is an amazing opportunity that God has given me, but it doesn't come without battles.  These last few months have been amazing and I can't wait to see what happens next.  We have a lot going on in Reaction Student Ministries and that's Praise to God.  Every minister will have blogs like this telling of all the great things that are taking place in their ministries, but I'm here to say what the cost of greatness is.  

All greatness comes at a cost.  Every area of my life has been hit since I've been a youth pastor (marriage, college, work, me, etc.).  The pain however is worth watching God transform teenagers into the men and women of God they were created to be.  I have learned over the last six months how important time management is and how true the following statement is: "the higher you go in leadership the less rights you have."  

My advice to anyone in ministry is this: "ministry will always be there but the loved ones God placed in your life will not."  Put God first, family second, and let everything else fall into third.  If your life is not in this set up, you are setting yourself up for failure.  

Watching God transform lives is a GREAT thing, but like all great things it comes with a big price tag.  Are you ready to pay the price?